Saturday, April 24, 2010

Strawberry Picking Time

Well, if there is one thing we can do while we are waiting, it's pickin' strawberries. Ponchatoula is the South's strawberry capital and the gracious folks at Landry-Poche Strawberry Farms are wonderful. There strawberries are pesticide and insecticide free. They line their farms with martin houses and they eat all the little bad buggies all day long. Their motto is "eat as much as you can while you pick!"....and we do! So, where ever we move to, we will have a year's worth of awesome strawberry jam and frozen strawberries for smoothies. ( note the strange creature viewing the jam.....he's the quality control guy.....)

1 comment:

  1. Y'all are in our prayers! We're going to miss you something awful :( Please keep up your blog, I'd love to read it!!
